Ok, I'm back. Phew. I'm a little behind schedule with the blog right now, for which I do apologise. Luckily, I managed to find the time to get the first of the Oscar posts up (and in a pretty timely manner too), but we are behind on the Muse Retrospective feature. I had intended for Part 2 to go up some time in January, but unfortunately that didn't quite transpire.
Three major things happened in January (that are relevant, at least). Thing no. 1: my computer broke down. The initial issue is still undiagnosed, but I suspect it was some kind of software issue. Anyway, my computer wouldn't log in to my user area, and then upon gutting the engine and plugging the hard drive, power supply, graphics card etc. into another motherboard, things only got worse, and after about a week of me basically Frankensteining two PCs together in various arrangements trying to isolate the problem and get a working machine of some description, I've managed to bugger up my hard drive instead. As you can imagine, this isn't the most ideal of circumstances, considering there's literally years (~600GB) of work, photos and videos that may have been lost, the majority of it not backed up, because I'm an idiot who rarely ever backs stuff up, despite being a former computing student.
Anyway, I've been stuck on my horrendously slow laptop for the past few weeks. Now, I could still have been getting posts out (albeit taking about three times as long as I wait for my laptop to register inputs), if it weren't for things 2 and 3: Film Studies coursework and University Interviews.
It's hard enough that I was working on a re-edit and a stop-motion project for my interviews and trying to write a deceptively difficult 1500 word research project for Film, without my computer melting down, leaving me without any of my film-making resources, and with only my laptop to try and finish my coursework on. You can understand that the blog wasn't at the top of priorities.
So that was my January: not the best month I've ever had, but at least the storm has passed. My coursework has been submitted and I've got a replacement computer (on a side note: fuck Windows 10) with pretty impressive specs which I'm not allowed to use for gaming in case it 'overheats' (which is what my mum is convinced killed my last computer for some reason), meaning that I can also get back to improving my portfolio for my remaining interviews (two down, two to go). So now, slightly more relaxed, I can get back to blogging and watching films and just not being as stressed out as before. So there's my excuses out of the way; back to the schedule. You can expect to see the second part of A Muse Retrospective and the Oscar Follow Up post this month, along with a possible third post that I may reveal in due time.
Damn, look at me being all mysterious. Anyway, stay tuned for my regularly scheduled ramblings, and in the meantime, I bid you adieu.
(And while you're at it, fuck Windows 8, too)